Q: How much is a sourcing agent salary typically ?
Published:2015-12-12 21:09:07    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
A: A lot of the times it will depend mostly on the experience of the agent (like any employee in any country). However, the biggest thing we try to do is to get agent candidates who will fall between $750-1000 USD per month, because that is probably the most affordable for our client base. This usually means that the candidates will have 3-18 months of sourcing-related experience, but it is enough to keep their salary low, and still make for a good agent on the ground. The biggest thing we stress is their ability to communicate in written English, and best-case scenario they speak conversational English as well. It is hard to find a Chinese agent that speaks fluent English. English is not taught extremely well in China.

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